California was established as a result of the gold rush. Today, there is a new swell of activity. A strong technology industry is assisting in propelling the economy of California to the top of the nation’s economic rankings. In fact, California’s economy is so large that it would rank fifth in the world if it were compared to the economies of other countries. Indeed, although California’s economic engine is fueled by the emergence of new ideas and the creation of new businesses in places like Silicon Valley, this is only one chapter in the annals of the state’s technological innovation and entrepreneurship. The state’s other thriving economic sectors are concentrated elsewhere in the state – large enterprises with large budgets that are primed to develop in the future. Aerospace, military contracts, higher education, and digital media/entertainment are examples of industries that have experienced growth. And now we’ll get back to the employment surge that we described earlier. Cybersecurity is the common thread that runs through all of California’s rapidly expanding economic sectors. Companies operating across all industries are developing and hiring for positions in cybersecurity, just as the rest of the world is doing so. The employment of qualified and experienced cybersecurity professionals is occurring at such a rapid pace that there is currently a scarcity of cybersecurity specialists in California. Consequently, even as the predicted rise in cybersecurity positions continues long into the future, new programmes, degree options, and certification possibilities are being introduced to assist satisfy the demand for cybersecurity professionals. It is divided into three categories to provide a comprehensive overview of cybersecurity education and job options available in the state of California.

California’s cybersecurity activities are being led at the state level

Both state and local governments, as well as the corporate community, are making significant investments in cybersecurity education and worker training projects in California. As part of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, the state government maintains a Cybersecurity Task Force to address cyber threats. The group serves as an advisory board and gathers intelligence, statistics, and other on-the-ground information from firms, researchers, and other specialists in the cybersecurity area, which it then shares with the public. When it comes to cyber dangers, the goal at the state level is to keep educated and stay one step ahead of the curve as new threats emerge, as well as to develop best practises for dealing with digital crime after it has occurred. It’s inherent in the world of cybersecurity that the types of cybercrimes committed and the attack vectors that are utilised are always evolving. As a result, any task force or workforce effort working in the field must constantly adapt, change, and seek out new sources of information in order to be effective and efficient. One new programme is an annual conference called the State of California Cybersecurity Educational Summit, which is hosted by Sacramento State University and is aimed at educating people about cybersecurity issues in California. The conference is just one example of how state officials, in this case from the California Department of Technology, the California Office of Emergency Services, the California National Guard, and the California Highway Patrol, are attempting to coordinate efforts and resources in order to rapidly bolster cyber defences in their respective jurisdictions. Another example of how the state is striving to construct and prepare for future cybersecurity infrastructure is the CyberCalifornia effort, which is now underway. Several stakeholders will be brought together to form a coordinated cybersecurity coalition, according to the program’s website, with the following goals: According to the organisation, “CyberCalifornia will assist in organising public-private partnerships in cybersecurity with the goals of facilitating research and innovation in cybersecurity, educating California businesses about their cybersecurity needs and resources, and linking California’s robust workforce development system with the needs of California employers. ” As part of the Innovation Hub (iHub) Network, which is operated by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, CyberCalifornia is being formed in collaboration with it. Research parks, technology incubators, universities, and federal laboratories are among the assets that the iHubs use to provide innovation platforms for startup firms, economic development organisations, business groups, and venture capitalists,” says the iHubs website. In addition to public-private collaborations and general education for the corporate sector, schools and institutions in California are developing new programmes and services to better educate the workforce of the future against cybersecurity risks.

Scholarships for Cybersecurity Students in California

As you progress through the ranks, the funding sources for degrees change. For financing opportunities at the master’s and doctoral degrees, you might look for funding opportunities with private groups that are interested in your study. Fellowships, teaching assistantships, and graduate research roles are all possibilities, as are graduate research opportunities. However, one element that remains constant across all academic levels is the possibility of receiving institutional scholarships. There are several resources available to cybersecurity students in California colleges, as follows:

The California State Polytechnic University at Pomona is a public research university in California.

Scholarship for Service Program: Cal Poly Pomona has been awarded a five-year grant from the National Science Foundation’s CyberCorps Scholarships for Service program to teach students information and communications technology. Scholars go through a rigorous training program that includes hands-on research, contests, and industry certifications, among other things. Students will work with government entities to improve the nation’s information infrastructure security after graduating from this program. Scholarships from the Department of Computer Science at California State University Sacramento: The department awards three $1,500 scholarships per year to deserving students in computer science. There are several awards offered by the College of Engineering and Computer Science, including the Information Assurance and Security curriculum. Each award is listed on a whole page, and each has its prerequisites.

California State University-San Bernardino is a public research university in California.

Scholarship for Service through CyberCorps: Full tuition is only the beginning of the benefits associated with this award for upper-level students enrolled in a bachelor’s-level Information Assurance program who plan to continue their education in graduate school. Beneficiaries are also provided with financial assistance and an internship with the federal government, and job placement following graduation. The National Security Agency funds the Naval Postgraduate School Information Assurance Scholarship Program (IASP). It provides scholarships to masters and doctoral students pursuing degrees in computer science and engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School in Annapolis, Maryland. Scholarship for Service: Naval Postgraduate School students who agree to accept a two-year civilian cybersecurity position with a federal agency after graduation can have their tuition eliminated and receive $34,000 per year with benefits. Information Systems Security students at Sacramento City College with a 3.0 GPA are eligible for this $250 grant from the Computer Information Science Department. DEN@Viterbi is a joint venture between the University of Southern California and Viterbi. Scholarship: This partial scholarship is given to online students who are employed full-time and do not receive money from their employers for education. Applicants for the Ming Qu and Ying Wu Memorial Scholarship must have at least a 3.8 GPA to be considered for a $10,000 stipend to be used toward residential master’s study at the Viterbi School of Engineering. The Xinran Ji Memorial Scholarship, like the Ming Qu and Ying Wu Memorial Scholarships, is a $10,000 reward given to students who have a 3.8-grade point average. The critical difference is that Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau are also invited to submit applications. Graduates of the online program who return to Viterbi for a second degree are eligible for exceptional discounts, including a three-unit fellowship in their final term.

Meetups & Communities for Cybersecurity in the State of California

From the San Francisco Bay Area to the border with Mexico, California is awash in cybersecurity communities. Hackers can be found everywhere, although the nicer ones congregate at Meetups and other events. In Sacramento, you may find some at Hacker Lab, which offers both a physical and virtual space; Los Angeles Hack Night, which brings together hackers to work on individual projects in each other’s company; and OpenLate, which hosts talks and hack nights at the OpenDNS H.Q. in San Francisco. There are many cybersecurity meetings where hacking is not the primary focus. There are active groups in San Diego, the Bay Area, and Los Angeles for the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), a non-profit organization. Here are a few large organizations that you might want to consider joining: Meetup in the Bay Area for Cybersecurity: This group is equally interested in knowledge and interpersonal interactions. They are just as likely to network at a happy hour hotspot as they are to listen to incident response presentations from invited visitors. Startups in the Bay Area involved in cybersecurity: Initiated by TechCrunch contributor Mahindra Ramsinghani, this private cyber sector networking club is reserved for startup founders, entrepreneurs, and tech professionals working in the cyber sector. Monthly gatherings are organized around in-depth conversations with CEOs and chief information security officers. LETHAL – L.A. LETHAL – L.A. Technical Hackers and Leets Who Are Ethical: LETHAL meets once a month, without the use of anonymous masks, to hear presentations from its more than 500 members. Because many of them are new to cybersecurity, the group holds regular training sessions on ethical hacking. CyberTECH Cybersecurity (CyberTECH Cybersecurity): CyberTECH Cybersecurity, a San Diego-based meetup, brings together security and Internet of Things specialists, as well as investors and innovation incubators, for a productive exchange of ideas. The NEST, a coworking space for tech entrepreneurs and freelancers, serves as the organization’s headquarters. Data Mining for Cybersecurity in the San Francisco Bay Area: Researchers, engineers, and hackers in the San Francisco area who are interested in learning more about how data gathering and analysis may be utilized to keep computers and networks secure should consider joining our organization. Even though it does not meet as frequently as some other Meetups, its events are too specific to be found anywhere else.

Conferences and workshops on cyber security will be held in California.

Because California is the epicenter of the technological revolution, multiple major cybersecurity conferences pass through the state every few years, with many of them being held by professional groups and trade associations. (For example, consider the Information Systems Security Association.) Others go across the country to provide training sessions throughout the year: The SANS Institute regularly conducts multi-day cybersecurity training in major California cities. However, there are a few conferences that have developed roots in California and are held at the same place year after year: The Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), which takes place in Los Angeles each year, provides an opportunity for researchers, private sector security experts, and government employees to come together for workshops on topics such as industrial control system security, layered assurance, software security, and reverse engineering. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: The IEEE organized its inaugural symposium in San Jose, California, in 1980, and the meeting has remained a regular fixture on the calendars of scholars and industry professionals ever since. Three days are dedicated to dozens of 20-minute presentations, with attendees urged to stay for a fourth day to participate in a workshop of their choice. An annual gathering in Santa Barbara brings together cryptologists to present the newest findings in passwords, encryption, and ciphers. International Cryptology Conference: The NDSS Symposium (Network and Distributed System Security Symposium) has its origins in San Diego. Researchers, CTOs, security analysts, and administrators gather to hear presentations and discuss the ramifications of what they have learned. RSA Conference in the United States. Security professionals worldwide gather in San Francisco for a week of training and presentations on topics ranging from DevOps to recent legislation and technology infrastructure. The Innovation Sandbox Contest, which occurs during the conference, provides an opportunity for newly launched products to compete for funding.

Jobs in Cybersecurity in the State of California

Put things in perspective: California is also the most populous state. More than 28,000 individual job postings for cybersecurity specialists were made in California in 2014, making it the state with the most such postings. Thus the share of cybersecurity jobs in the total economy is just slightly more significant than the national average in this state. However, the state’s leadership is not content to rest on its laurels. In 2013, it established the Cybersecurity Task Force, which collaborates with technology businesses, policymakers, educators, and researchers to combat cybercrime. The goal is to elevate the state to the forefront of cyber affairs while boosting its cybersecurity staff. It is in an excellent position to do so. A partnership between the task force and the state’s Innovation Hub (iHub) Network has already been established to foster cybersecurity innovation while producing jobs in the industry for entrepreneurs. The Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology (TRUST), which is based on UC Berkeley, Stanford, and San José State University, is located up I-5 and is dedicated to developing business-centric solutions to cybersecurity concerns. It also serves as the University of Southern California’s Center for Computer Systems Security (CCSS) headquarters. A large number of firms rely on the research conducted by those centers. Approximately 10% of Fortune 500 firms were headquartered in California in 2015. While many of these companies, such as I.T. titans and networking behemoths based in the Bay Area, offer cybersecurity professionals as far south as San Diego. Also, don’t forget about other California-based businesses that have a clear need for cybersecurity personnel. Consider financial institutions such as banks and lenders who have access to a large amount of consumer financial data. The important players are as follows: Silicon Valley, located in the southern section of the San Francisco Bay Area, is home to the headquarters of Google (Mountain View), Apple (Cupertino), Cisco and eBay (San Jose), as well as Facebook (Mountain View) and Twitter (San Francisco) (Menlo Park). Startups for anything under the sun, to name a few. All of them require assistance in maintaining the privacy of their consumers’ data. San Francisco is only a few miles away, but it has its unique scene. Additionally, GAP launched its first shop, and it is also where Wells Fargo and Charles Schwab have established their corporate headquarters. All three manage a significant amount of money through online transactions and have a vested interest in keeping it safe. Qualcomm, based in San Diego, is a global pioneer in wireless solutions and a pleasant pit stop for recent cybersecurity graduates. However, the United States Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command employs more than half of S.D.’s 6,000+ cybersecurity professionals (SPAWAR).

Salaries in the field of cyber security in California

Although simply living in California is a prize in and of itself, you may also be able to earn a good living wage in the state. It’s worth noting that four of the top 15 best-paying cities for information security specialists are located in California, and this is after adjusting for the cost of living. In addition to Los Angeles ($86,072), the “three Sans” — Francisco (adjusted average income of $119,346), Jose ($99,075), and Diego ($98303) — are all desirable locations. Another valuable indicator to consider when predicting possible earnings is returns on investment (ROI). 14 California institutions are among the top 30 entries in Payscale’s College ROI Report, examining the 20-year net return on investment for computer science-related majors. Stanford (ranked first), UC Davis (ranked 23rd with in-state tuition), and UC Irvine (ranked 27th with in-state tuition) are among the colleges offering cybersecurity degrees.

Cybersecurity education in California


Campus-based cybersecurity associate degree options Because of the state’s size and the structure of its university system, California has a thriving and high-quality community college system. Many students in California attend community colleges to obtain degrees or credits before moving to another school or state university to complete a bachelor’s degree program. This means that community colleges in California are well-equipped to meet the demands of a skilled workforce. Cybersecurity associate degrees are available at community colleges throughout the state, both on-campus and online. The following are some of the cybersecurity associate’s degrees offered on campus in California:

Online cybersecurity degree options in California

CyberSecurity Associate’s Programs in California

A graduate degree in cybersecurity, or a Ph.D. in cybersecurity, is intended for people who want to advance their academic skills in the sector. Typically, Ph.D. recipients serve in specific cybersecurity niches such as academia, government-supported research agencies, or professional executive positions inside businesses.

An Associate in Applied Science in Computer Information Systems specializing in networking is available at the California Institute of Arts and Technology in San Diego. The Associate in Science in Networking, Security, and System Administration is offered at Cuyamaca College in El Cajon, California.

The key benefit of earning an associate degree in cybersecurity is that most programs prepare students well for the numerous professional certifications needed in the field. Students who complete the cybersecurity associate’s degrees on campus usually receive an associate of science in cybersecurity. Other associate-level cybersecurity degrees offered on California’s campuses include:

Los Medanos College offers an associate’s degree in networking and defense. Sacramento City College offers an Associate of Science in Information Systems Security. Associate of Science in Cyber Defense at Cypress College


For many people interested in entering the cybersecurity industry, a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity is an excellent place to start. An undergraduate degree in cybersecurity also introduces students to various subjects, including computer science, programming, network infrastructure, data management, policy, law, and security best practices, similar to the multidisciplinary nature of the sector. Bachelor’s degree programs in cybersecurity often have a specific emphasis, such as computer science, information assurance, or criminal justice. Campus-based cybersecurity bachelor’s degree The scale and diversity of California are reflected in the delivery of these services. Bachelor’s degrees take about 120 credit hours to complete on average, and many of these programs prepare students for industry certifications. The more competitive cybersecurity bachelor’s programs may also provide structured career preparation, such as hosted recruitment events or internship opportunities in the industry. The table below shows details about cybersecurity bachelor’s programs offered on campus in California.

Cybersecurity Bachelor’s Programs in California

Many students find that online learning is a good match for them, and it is becoming more common every year. For some students, online learning is preferable, particularly when they need a more flexible schedule. Another benefit of online education is that it works well with some learning styles. Students can revisit material several times (most lectures and other content is provided through video modules) and receive more regular feedback to keep track of their progress. There are currently no online bachelor’s cybersecurity degrees available in California, but other online education options are available here.


A master’s degree is another way to train for a career in cybersecurity. A graduate may fulfill various roles, and it is well-suited to people who have either a bachelor’s degree in a closely related field — such as mathematics or engineering — or who have industry job experience and want to advance their careers. The more conventional campus-based or, the newer online-based model is often used to categorize the different cybersecurity master’s degrees offered in California.

Campus-based cybersecurity master’s degrees program near me

Master’s degrees in cybersecurity are available in various formats in California. Some programs, such as those at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, the Naval Postgraduate School, and the University of California at Davis, offer master’s degrees in computer science with a cybersecurity emphasis. Other universities, including the University of San Diego and the University of the Pacific, offer master’s degree programs in cybersecurity. Other cybersecurity master’s programs exist that are much more advanced than a master’s in computer science or a master’s in science in cybersecurity. For example, California State University, San Bernardino offers a campus-based master of business administration with a cybersecurity emphasis and a master of public administration with a cybersecurity concentration. See the complete list below for more on-campus cybersecurity master’s degree opportunities in California:

Cybersecurity Master’s Programs in California

Working professionals who cannot attend standard campus-based classes can benefit from an online master’s degree. Furthermore, research indicates that earning an online degree versus a campus degree has little impact on future job prospects. The online cybersecurity master’s programs in California, like the campus-based master’s degrees, vary slightly and deliver various concentrations or focus areas. The following is a comprehensive list of cybersecurity master’s degrees available online in California:

Cybersecurity Online Master’s Programs in California

In California, there are currently two cybersecurity-focused Ph.D. programs:

At the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, he earned a Ph.D. in computer science specializing in computer systems and defense. At the University of California in Davis, California, he did a Ph.D. in computer science concentration in information assurance.


Cybersecurity certifications in California are another choice for people already in the workforce who want to expand their technical skillset. There are two types of cybersecurity certification programs. Some certifications are more academically focused and more business-oriented certifications. There are various certification programs available, ranging from beginner to advanced and narrowly oriented (and sometimes with prerequisites including years of relevant work experience). These credentials are specific to a particular type of industry software or programming application.

Campus-based Cybersecurity Degrees in California / certification programs

Cybersecurity Certification Programs in California

The following is a comprehensive list of online cybersecurity programs offered by California universities:

Cybersecurity Online Certification Programs in California

Cybersecurity jobs in California

There is a national shortage of cybersecurity professionals who are well-trained and experienced. California is now experiencing a drought. The supply/demand ratio for jobs is nearly equal to the national average at the state level. However, the situation in California’s extensive metro areas is very different. There is a more significant cybersecurity staff shortage in most regions (see more detailed overview below). There are 78,886 cybersecurity job openings in California, and there are 36,602 cybersecurity job openings throughout the state. The following are the top cybersecurity work titles in California, according to CyberSeek:

Cybersecurity engineer Cybersecurity analyst Network engineer/architect Cybersecurity manager/administrator Systems engineer Cybersecurity consultant Software developer/engineer

Cybersecurity jobs in California are usually well-paying due to their professional existence. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, security analysts (who are used as a representative sample of the cybersecurity industry as a whole) earn an average annual salary of $110,345, or $53.05 per hour. According to the State of California Employment Development Department’s 2019 Occupational Employment Statistic Survey, the median annual salary for a security analyst was $111,101, with the top 25% of security analysts earning $134,490 or more annually. Check out the Employment Development Department’s guide for a more in-depth look at cybersecurity careers in California.

Cybersecurity Degrees in California

San Francisco Bay Area: San Francisco, Oakland, Hayward The San Francisco Bay Area, as previously mentioned, is one of the world’s technologies epicenters. Startups are developing innovative products and services ranging from robots to dating apps, new banking methods, and improved medical care. And, to varying degrees, these new businesses all need some cybersecurity protection or insulation. Standalone cybersecurity startups are also springing up to develop goods, services, and solutions to safeguard citizens and businesses operating in the digital sphere. The San Francisco Bay Area has an above-average concentration of cybersecurity job openings and a relatively low supply of skilled employees, owing to the region’s technology startup orientation. Nearly 10,000 cybersecurity jobs are available in the city, with approximately 16,000 people employed in the cybersecurity-related position. Here’s a look at some of CyberSeek’s regional data:

The supply of employees to demand ratio is meager — the national average is 2.3, while the San Francisco area has a ratio of 1.7. Work openings concentration: high — the national average is 1.0/ San Francisco area is 1.9

San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Clara are part of Silicon Valley. Many technology startups and businesses are located in the Silicon Valley/South San Francisco Bay area. Companies in Silicon Valley are focusing on information and data protection in addition to recruiting for positions across a broad range of consumer and corporate goods and services. This zone, which is essentially an extension of the San mentioned above Francisco Bay Area, is also looking for cybersecurity professionals. Here’s a look at some of CyberSeek’s regional data:

The national average is 2.3, while the Silicon Valley area has a ratio of 1.7. Work opening concentration: Extremely high — the national average is 1.0, while the Silicon Valley area has a concentration of 2.8.

Los Angeles Area: Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim Although the film industry is the most well-known aspect of the Los Angeles area, other thriving industries drive job growth and a burgeoning technology sector. The aerospace industry, in particular, is booming. Here’s a look at some of CyberSeek’s regional data:

The supply of employees to demand ratio is low — the national average is 2.3, while the Los Angeles area has a ratio of 2.3. Work vacancy concentration: low — the national average is 1.0, and the Los Angeles area is.08.

San Diego Area: San Diego and Carlsbad The greater San Diego area has a robust military presence, which means many military contractors and suppliers in the area. Because of the comparatively large number of military-related occupations, more cybersecurity positions are available than the national average. In the greater San Diego area, approximately 4,200 cybersecurity jobs are available, with 8,150 people working in the industry. A closer examination of CyberSeek’s regional data:

The supply of employees to demand ratio is deficient — the national average is 2.3, while the San Diego area has a ratio of 1.9. Work opening concentration: high — the national average is 1.0, while the San Diego area has a concentration of 1.4.

Cybersecurity in California

In conclusion, California has numerous opportunities to obtain a cybersecurity degree. Associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, not to mention a wide range of credential programs, provide various options for people looking to enter the profession or advance their careers. Despite these training opportunities, there is still a shortage of well-trained and skilled cybersecurity staff, making it an excellent job market for those with the necessary skills.