Consistency and Frequency

If you want to gain more followers, you’ll have to be consistent in terms of your post rates. This doesn’t mean that you’ll have to post 10 times a day, for example. However, depending on your business goals and how much publicity you’re trying to achieve, you can set out the frequency rate of your posts. Also, make sure to increase your posts during special events or promotions to attract your followers’ attention to what you have to say. Make sure that the posts are always relevant to your content and increase frequency upon necessity. Don’t, however, reduce the frequency of your posts when it’s not necessary. Your followers might be used to seeing 5 posts a day, so when you drop that number to zero, you will lose followers. Also, make sure that your posts are of high-quality, as you will lose followers if the quality declines. This usually happens when someone posts just for the sake of reaching a set amount of posts a day. Quality should always come first, then you can worry about quantity later.

Use LinkInBio

If you have an Instagram account, then you surely have accounts on other platforms. Referring your Instagram audience to these accounts can in a way help you increase your followers. If you take a look at this guide, you’ll have a better understanding of the benefits of using your social media account links via LinkInBio to garner more traffic to these accounts. A lot of people on Instagram use LinkInBio to link their social media accounts, Shopify accounts, etc. to engage with their audience and increase their followers, which means that this method can work out for you as well if you use it correctly. This can also be useful for increasing brand awareness, as you can link a certain product that you want more people to view.

Collaborate with Micro-influencers

Reaching a new audience with different demographic characteristics (gender, age, ethnicity, etc.) can only happen when you collaborate with the right micro-influencers. The fact that Instagram influencer partnerships are always successful, as Instagram is the best performing platform for any brand. Usually, there is only a 1.5% engagement rate across other social platforms. Instagram, on the other hand, has an engagement rate of 3.2%. In addition to this, partnerships with micro-influencers are successful almost all the time and they tend to have a long-lasting effect on your brand. What is even better, micro-influencers have an average of 7% engagement rate, which is quite higher than any other engagement rate on Instagram or otherwise.

Use High-Quality Hashtags

The importance of quality hashtags on Instagram often surpasses its importance on other social media platforms. That’s because they can help bring your brand name to light, expose your brand to the right audience, and increase your brand awareness. Using the right hashtag can even increase traffic on your website if you’ve linked it to your account. You indeed have a maximum of 30 hashtags per post; however, the ideal number of hashtags that you can use in your posts is 9 max. If you don’t know which tags you should use, there are helpful tools like Display Purpose and AutoHash that can provide you with quality hashtags for your Instagram posts.


Your fans also likely own accounts on other social media websites as you do. However, they may not be aware of the fact that you have accounts on these platforms. To help them follow you on Instagram, you can cross-post your content. Luckily, Instagram will help you post your Instagram content on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, which will bring more followers who are already interested in your content

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